You Must Include These Foods That Fight Arthritis In Your Diet

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These Foods That Fight Arthritis, Every year, arthritis is discovered in close to three million people. It’s a chronic condition with terrible aftereffects. Although some treatments, surgeries, and drugs can lessen symptoms, nutrition also plays a significant role in treating arthritis. You can try to reduce the pain by switching to foods high in omega-3s, antioxidants, and vitamins. See which foods and beverages are ideal for persons with arthritis by reading on. 


You Must Include These Foods That Fight Arthritis In Your Diet:

1 Green Tea:


Green tea has reportedly been used medicinally for a very long time, according to Healthline. It is abundant in polyphenols and antioxidants, which can help lessen inflammation and impede the degeneration of cartilage.

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a different antioxidant found in green tea, has been shown to stop the chemicals that rheumatoid arthritis sufferers employ to damage their joints. In addition to improving mood and focus, green tea lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke. The polyphenols can also lower the risk of developing some malignancies.


2. Olive Oil


A study where mice were fed extra-virgin olive oil for six weeks was discovered by PubMed Central. As a result, the progression of arthritis was stopped, joint swelling was minimized, the degeneration of cartilage was slowed down, and inflammation was reduced.

Because it contains so many anti-inflammatory ingredients, extra-virgin olive oil has many of the same health advantages that apply to people. It also contains oleocanthal, which is comparable in qualities to several anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat arthritis, as well as a number of heart-healthy lipids.


3. Salsa

According to Healthline, vitamins are a key component in the treatment of arthritic pain. Salsa is one food that contains a lot of vitamin C. It typically comprises veggies like tomatoes, onions, and others that are high in fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins.

Andrea Dunn, a registered nutritionist, suggests using salsa as a substitute for fatty store-bought dressings and sauces when dipping veggies or crackers in it. Although it may be made at home quite easily, salsa is frequently available at most supermarkets.


4. Quinoa

Everybody’s diet should include whole grains, but people with arthritis in particular. Quinoa is one of the healthiest whole grains since it has high levels of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

The Arthritis Foundation recommends substituting nutritious grains like quinoa for items like white rice and bread. The amount of chemicals in your body that cause flare-ups may decrease as a result. Whole grains can aid with weight loss as well.


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5. Broccoli

One of the healthiest foods available, broccoli is packed with vitamins K and C and works wonders as an anti-inflammatory. Over a thousand women who took it had lower levels of inflammation, according to a PubMed Central study.

Sulforaphane, a substance found in this superfood, has been shown to either stop or reduce the progression of osteoarthritis. Additionally, according to the Arthritis Foundation, it has a high calcium content and is ideal for maintaining strong, healthy bones.


6. Garlic

Strong anti-inflammatory properties of garlic are well known for preventing arthritis. In a research, 1,082 sets of twins were examined, one of whom consumed garlic while the other did not. The risk of osteoarthritis was lower in the twin who consumed the garlic.

According to research by the Arthritis Foundation, diallyl disulphine, a chemical found in garlic, may be able to reduce the number of bodily cells that harm cartilage. Furthermore, garlic has been linked to a lower incidence of dementia, heart disease, and cancer, according to a PubMed Central study.


7. Dark Chocolate

According to Spine Universe, dark chocolate has a ton of anti-inflammatory qualities. It contains anti-inflammatory substances like antioxidants and phytochemicals (substances found in plant-based diets).

Registered dietitian Andrea Dunn advises consumers to moderate their use of this anti-inflammatory, despite the fact that it is intended to reduce the symptoms of arthritis. Simply reduce your intake of saturated fat and calories by eating smaller meals, said Dunn. She advises consuming around half an ounce because it is calorie-efficient and has all the flavor.


8. Prunes

People with arthritis should routinely consume fruit, according to the Arthritis Foundation. It has a lot of fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, which help reduce your chance of developing heart disease, arthritis, and stroke.

Prunes are a wonderful example of a fruit that is good for you. According to Healthline, prunes strengthen bones and muscles, lower blood pressure, aid in digestion, lower cholesterol, and contain significant amounts of potassium, iron, and vitamins. Try consuming them in juice if eating them doesn’t sound all that appetizing.


9. Salmon Fish

People who have arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis, are more likely to have weak bones. Therefore, kids must consume meals that promote bone formation. Salmon is one food that can help with that.

Anca D. Askanese, MD, clinical director of rheumatology at Columbia University, stated that “there is frequently bone loss around inflamed joints, and [medication] can be hard on your bones.” Three ounces of salmon, which is high in vitamin D, is sufficient to meet the daily required intake for the entire day. Omega-3 fatty acids are also present, which reduce inflammation and enhance heart function.


10. Beans

While not all beans are effective in treating arthritis, pinto, kidney, and red beans are the best. These are abundant in fiber, protein, folic acid, potassium, iron, and zinc, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers should maintain a healthy weight since doing so relieves pressure on their weight-bearing joints. According to Lona Sandon, a qualified dietician, “[beans] can keep you feeling full on fewer calories, which can help you drop extra pounds.”


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