Review of ‘Fair Play’: Does the Corporate Thriller Meet Its Hype?

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“Fair Play” on Netflix – A Corporate Thriller’s Evolution

“Fair Play” is now available for streaming on Netflix, and this film takes viewers on an unexpected journey. Initially appearing as a tame erotic drama centered around a finance power couple with a secret engagement, it swiftly transforms into a relentless thriller delving into fractured egos and complex power dynamics. Chloe Domont, making her feature debut as a writer-director, manages to navigate the challenging terrain of this narrative, even though the film occasionally grapples with its own weight and dramatic intensity. Nevertheless, it grips the audience with its gritty authenticity and places its fearless lead performances at the forefront.


The story introduces us to Luke (Alden Ehrenreich) and Emily (Phoebe Dynevor) during a family wedding, marked by a series of comical mishaps involving oral sex, period blood, and a proposal that goes both right and wrong simultaneously. Despite the unconventional setting, their connection feels sweet and intimate. Although the film doesn’t establish their sexual dynamic with overwhelming passion, their engagement exudes charm, akin to a first-time teenage couple. However, the film takes a stark turn when they leave their New York apartment separately at dawn to work together in the same ruthless hedge fund as analysts, trading and shorting stocks while maintaining a professional facade.


The tension escalates when a coveted position opens up, leaving Luke rumored to be the heir. Yet, Emily unexpectedly receives the offer, leading to an intricate exploration of their relationship dynamics. Luke’s initial attempt at support conceals his evident disappointment, and the cracks in their partnership begin to surface, exacerbated by their inability to communicate their concerns effectively. Luke’s ego is further wounded as he finds himself working directly under Emily.


In the first half of the film, there are moments when the camera seems unsure of where to focus during silent scenes, creating a sense of distraction. However, as the story unfolds, the narrative gains momentum, leaving little room for diversion. Personal and professional lives collide, fueling mutual resentment and creating a unique workplace thriller atmosphere where millions of dollars hang in the balance. The financial intricacies are not overly detailed, but each decision is framed within the dramatic context of the clash between the couple’s public and private lives, a secret that constantly threatens their careers.

Review of 'Fair Play': Does the Corporate Thriller Meet Its Hype?

Phoebe Dynevor delivers a strong performance, navigating the testosterone-fueled Wall Street environment with the required allure and apprehension. The film acknowledges the toxicity of “girl boss” ideals within the cutthroat financial landscape. However, Emily’s character, defined primarily by external factors such as her relationship and job, sometimes feels one-dimensional. While this might be commentary on the constraints women face in male-dominated corporate spheres, it leaves her interiority relatively unexplored. Close-ups of Emily rarely offer insights into her character beyond the surface.


Neither Luke nor Emily appears to possess opinions, interests, or perspectives outside of their jobs and each other, echoing the film’s commentary on the corporate rat race. However, the film elevates Alden Ehrenreich’s performance, portraying Luke as a simmering powder keg of emotions and tensions. His gradual descent into explosive territory is both exhilarating and maddening. The film’s exceptional sound design enhances mundane settings, infusing them with tension, whether it’s workplace conversations or the simple movements of a romantic partner.


What sets “Fair Play” apart is its portrayal of words as weapons, allowing the lead actors to navigate each exchange and react in unexpected ways. The film vividly depicts a relationship on the brink of collapse, blurring bedroom power dynamics due to a lack of communication. While it concludes with a somewhat didactic moral message, “Fair Play” stands out as a contemporary Hollywood thriller where the stakes revolve entirely around personal terms. Chloe Domont’s masterful escalation as a first-time filmmaker promises an exciting future in cinema to watch out for.


In summary, “Fair Play” on Netflix evolves from an unassuming beginning into a gripping corporate thriller, offering viewers an intense exploration of power dynamics and personal struggles within a finance power couple’s relationship.


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